If you have been raped, assaulted, or abused - help is available to you.
Acer House is the new site for the Adult Sexual Assault Referral Centre (“SARC”) and Child Sexual Assault Assessment Services in York and North Yorkshire. Victims of rape and sexual assault will receive immediate healthcare and a forensic medical examination if required at the Centre, to collect and document evidence.
The new Centre also has two Video-Recorded Interview suites for North Yorkshire Police to take statements from vulnerable victims and witnesses of any crime, including children and young people.
You will be able to discuss your options and receive support. You can contact Acer House via their website linked below or by calling 0330 223 0099. This service is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year . You will not be pressured to reporting to the police but can discuss with Acer House staff the options available to you.
You can read more about Acer House by clicking here.