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Sexual Health and Condom Distribution Training


This training is designed for those working with people who want to gain knowledge and confidence to offer support around sexual health issues andΒ for those that are distributing condoms within their organisation.

The training will be provided virtually via the Teams platform

Target staff group

Non-clinical professionals who are providing support, information and services in sexual health; for example: family support workers, youth workers, PSHE teachers, foster carers and staff who are signed up to the Condom Distribution Training scheme and providing condoms to their services users.

Learning outcomes

  • Overview ofΒ  sexual health services and sexual health offer
  • Update on sexual health screening
  • A basic understanding of Safeguarding
  • Condom use
  • Understanding needs for those using condoms
  • A basic understanding of Emergency Contraception
  • Knowledge of up to date and accurate information to promote safer sex and contraception.
  • Healthy Relationships and Wellbeing
  • An understanding of the nature and transmission risk of STI’s (Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV).
  • Be aware of services in the local area; where to access and signpost to local sexual health services.
  • A practical overview of sex and the law.
  • Gain an understanding of chlamydia and testing.
  • Be able to issue condoms via the condom distribution scheme and understand the requirements of the condom distribution scheme.
  • To gain a better understanding of LGBTQ+ terminology
  • To explore issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community
  • To gain awareness of ways we can improve our services for LGBT+ people

Please go to the training events tab to book onto a course