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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
I would like to be tested for STIs and I have no symptoms
If you would like to have an STI test and have no symptoms, you can use our Test and Go (TAG) service.
It can take up to two weeks for chlamydia and gonorrhea to show up in a test, four weeks for HIV, and twelve weeks for syphilis. If you think you have been in contact with an STI, please do not wait twelve weeks for testing, we recommend that you undertake initial testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea after two weeks.
You have to attend clinic for TAG and we offer these across the region. Appointments are 15 minute long - if you are late, unfortunately you will have to reschedule due to the short time frame within the appointment.
You will be offered a blood test to test for HIV and syphilis, and give a urine sample or vaginal swab for chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
Test and Go appointments are available by phoning the booking line on 01904 721111.
If you require contraception, advice, have symptoms, have been identified as a contact of someone with an STI, or require vaccinations, Test and Go appointments are not appropriate for you. Please book a nurse appointment via the booking line.
I would like to be tested for STIs and I have symptoms/a partner has told me they have an STI
If you think that you have come into contact with HIV in the last 72 hours please click here
If you think you have come into contact with any other infection then you might need to have treatment. Alternatively, it might be better to test and wait for your results. Please call 01904 721111 to discuss the best option.
If your current sexual partner has had a positive test result and is being treated please call 01904 721111 for an appointment or see our Clinics and Services page for appointment times.
There are no routine tests available on the NHS for herpes or genital warts. If you think you have come into contact with either of these infections please check the skin on your genitals for signs or symptoms. If there is something new that you are not sure about call 01904 721111 for an appointment or see our Clinics and Servicespage for appointment times.
I need treatment for Chlamydia or Gonorrhoea
Please call 01904 721111 to make an appointment or see our find a clinic page for appointment times.
If you have had a positive chlamydia result and have no symptoms you can have postal treatment. Please call the clinic on 01904 721111 to arrange a phone appointment.
You can also get treatment from your GP and from some pharmacies. Remember that the treatment is a prescribed medication and may incur a prescription charge.
Please read the following before attending for treatment:
I need to have vaccinations for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B or Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
We offer Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and HPV vaccinations for most at risk groups.
Hepatitis A:
Men who have sex with men
Hepatitis B:
Men who have sex with men
Sex workers
People who have multiple partners
Men who have sex with men aged 15-45.
For more information on the HPV vaccination for MSM, please click here.
These vaccinations are given where there is a sexual health risk involved. We do not offer vaccinations for travelling or for occupational health reasons.
If you need vaccinating please call 01904 721111 for an appointment or see our clinics and services page for appointment times.
If you're not sure, you can call 01904 721111 and ask to speak to a nurse to discuss your risks and the recommended schedule for each vaccination.
I have symptoms that I think might be a Sexually Transmitted Infection
It can be tricky to determine what symptoms might mean that you have a sexually transmitted infection.
Typical symptoms for people who have a vagina include:
Pain in lower tummy
Blisters on genitals
Typical symptoms for people who have a penis include:
Pain in testicles
Discharge from penis
Blisters on genitals
If you have any of these symptoms please call 01904 721111 for an appointment or see our clinics and services page for appointment times.
If you have not had sex or if you have not had a change of partner then your symptoms are less likely to be due to a sexually transmitted infection and your GP might be the best place to go for advice.
I think I have Thrush or Bacterial Vaginosis
If your current symptoms appear to be the same as described for thrush and BV, and you have had no recent change in sexual partner then you can buy treatment from the pharmacy or a prescription from your GP.
Bacterial Vaginosis:
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of unusual vaginal discharge. One in three people with a vagina get it at some point in their lives. People who have a penis don’t get Bacterial Vaginosis.
It's not a sexually transmitted infection and for many people, Bacterial Vaginosis goes away by itself.
Mountain Healthcare can support you to have emergency contraception pills, a medical examination, PEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) and support and guidance.
Sexual health can support screening for infections but this screening needs to be done within certain time frames. These time frames are between 2-12 weeks after the assault.
Click here for more information on help after rape and sexual assault .
For children and young people (0-16 years): Child Sexual Assault Assessment Centre- York Hospital
What is the centre for?
The Child Sexual Assault Assessment Centre (CSAAC) provides a service for children and young people from 0-16 years of age who have disclosed sexual abuse or assault or where it is suspected that it may have happened.
When a child or young person comes to the centre, they will come with either a social worker, or a specially trained police officer and one or both of their parents/carers. The child or young person can talk to the nurse and the doctor about what has happened and they can have a check up (an examination) to check they are OK.
The service covers York and North Yorkshire and is located at York Hospital.
How can I get to see someone at the centre?
The centre is only able to see children and young people who are referred by a social worker or the police. It is not a self-referral service.
If you only feel able to talk to someone confidentially, perhaps to help you decide what to do next, you can contact the NSPCC 24 hour helpline - tel 0808 800 5000 or email
If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of harm, please phone the police 999
Social care services - North Yorkshire: 01609 780780, York: 01904 551900, Out of office hours: 01609 780780
Consent means giving permission or agreeing for something to happen. Both people need to give consent before having sex, otherwise it counts as rape. Remember, it’s always OK to change your mind half way through. That’s true whether you’re kissing, touching, having oral, anal or vaginal sex, or doing anything sexual. You should never feel pressure to do anything that you’re not comfortable with. This video explains consent really clearly.
I might have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours and I think I need PEP
Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is an anti-HIV medication that is prescribed to a HIV negative person within 72 hours of potential exposure to HIV. Ideally it should be started within 24 hours. It needs to be taken for 28 days. A&E departments are able to start PEP when the clinic is closed.
PEP is recommended if there is a greater than 1 in 1000 chance of catching HIV. PEP is not recommended for human bites, discarded needlestick injury, or oral sex. For other situations we offer a discussion of risks versus benefits for taking PEP. Please call our central booking line on 01904 721111 to attend the clinic within 72 hours of potential exposure to HIV. See our clinics and services page for appointment times.
PEP is more effective the sooner it is taken, so please attend the clinic or A&E as soon as possible for a discussion if you think you need it.
I want to know more about PrEP for preventing HIV infection
As part of Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, this week we're talking all about HPV. You may have heard of HPV already, particularly if you or your children have had the vaccination, but may not know much about it.
HPV is very common. Most HPV infections do not cause any problems and are cleared by your body within 2 years. You don't have to have sexual contact with a lot of people to get HPV, you can get HPV the first time you have sex.
HPV is tested for during a cervical screening. When the nurse rotates the soft brush around the cervix, cells are collected which are then tested for HPV. If your result is HPV negative, you'll be invited back routinely. If your result is positive, you'll be invited back for another screening in a year. If your result is positive and you have abnormal cell changes, you'll be invited for a colposcopy (a closer look at your cervix).
All children in Year 8 are offered the HPV vaccination, which protects against the types of HPV that cause most cases of genital warts and cervical cancer, as well as some other cancers. You can get this vaccination from a sexual health clinic in some circumstances. You can also get a catch up vaccination from your GP if you are a female under 25, or a male born after 1st September 2006.
Today is widely known as Blue Monday - it's January, it's cold, and it's still not payday! It's a good day to acknowledge our mental wellbeing and the impact things can have on it, including things relating to our sexual health.
Did you know YSH offers a free sexual health counselling service? You'll be offered up to 6 hour long sessions with our highly experienced BACP registered counsellors. This can be done face to face or virtually - whichever suits you best. It's easy to access - simply self refer on our website.
Our counsellors work through issues including feelings around an STI diagnosis, living with or affected by HIV, feelings around unplanned pregnancy, difficulties around sexuality, and barriers to positive sexual health e.g. self confidence and the impact of substances.
For more information and to self refer, please visit our website