Please complete this form to order a supply of condoms for your service.
Please note, it is a requirement of registration onto the condom distribution scheme, to have completed the relevant training to enable you to distribute condoms safely to people.
For more information about condoms please click here
Today is National Exploitation Awareness Day.
Exploitation can happen to any child, anywhere. It can be tricky for parents, carers and frontline professionals to differentiate between ordinary teenage behaviour and the risk of/abuse by exploitation. Here are some of the signs that may alert you that children or young people are being groomed for exploitation or being exploited ⬇️
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. If you see something, say something.
Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, and visit for further guidance #StopCE
Happy St Patrick’s Day! ☘️
Do you know how you can look after your sexual health, without leaving it to luck? Take a peek at our page for some top tips 👀