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Our Services

Start/switch contraception method

We offer appointments to discuss, then start or switch any method of contraception. It is important to have an idea of your preferred method before attending.

Please note, we are unable to supply repeat pills, patches, and vaginal rings for those aged 20 and over who live in York or North Yorkshire. We are only able to supply repeat injectable for North Yorkshire for those aged 20 and over. If you are happy with your current method of contraception, you need to see your GP to obtain further supplies.

We can insert, exchange, and remove implants and coils.

The contraception methods we offer are:


Copper Coil or IUS

Hormonal Coil or IUS

Contraceptive Injection

Contraceptive PatchΒ 

Combined Pill

Progesterone Only Pill or Mini Pill

Vaginal Ring

Emergency Contraception or The Morning After Pill

We also offer condoms and diaphragms/caps.Β 

Once you have an idea of your preferred method, please call the clinic on 01904 721111 or visit the Clinics and Services page to see our walk-in times.

Your GP can also offer to discuss, start, or switch any method of contraception.

If you are happy with your current method of contraception, you need to see your GP to obtain further supplies.

If you are 55 or older you do not require contraception.