For a guide to finding YorSexual Health in Selby Hospital, please watch our walk-through video:
We offer a mixture of planned appointments and same day access slots.
All of our clinics at Selby Hospital are pre-booked appointments. Please call the central booking line on 01904 721111 to discuss your requirements.
We offer some of our services over the phone, so it may be that you are asked to wait for a call back from a specialist nurse who will ask some questions and advise from the following: • Self- help or over the counter pharmacy treatment • Postal or pick up contraception or treatment • Face to face clinic appointment for STI Testing, examination and or procedure • Advice around how to test for STI’s • Advice to see to GP
We offer dedicated “Test and Go” (TAG) slots for those who have no symptoms but wish to have STI testing.
We have a limited number of face-to-face clinic slots and a limited number of call back slots. Staff on the phones are trying to allocate these slots according to urgency so please give as much information as you can. This is a confidential service.
Opening Times:
Closed on bank holidays
1.30pm - 7.30pm
1.30pm - 7.30pm
8.30am - 3.15pm
No longer able to attend? If you’ve got a booked appointment that you can no longer attend, please let us know as soon as possible.
If you’d like to rearrange your appointment, please call us on 01904 721111. If you’d like to cancel your appointment, please text ‘CANCEL’ to 0798444736 or call us on 01904 721111.
Please note that this text line is not manned; it operates solely for appointment cancellations for users with one appointment only.
The NHS loses 650,000 appointments every month because patients do not attend their appointment (DNA). If patients cancel their appointment instead, we could offer care and treatment to 650,000 more patients every month, over 7 and half million extra every year. Please help us to make every appointment count and let us know as soon as possible ahead of your appointment so that we have time to give the appointment to someone else in need. Please be advised that this applied to both face to face and virtual appointments.
Full range of STI tests and treatments • Full range of contraception methods • HIV testing, treatment and support • PEPSE (post-exposure prophylaxis sexual exposure HIV treatment) • PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention) • STI screening following sexual assault (click here for more information on support available) • Cervical screening • Free condoms • Hepatitis A/B screening/vaccination (sexual risk) • HPV vaccination for men who have sex with men • Complex care, e.g management of syphilis, STIs in pregnancy • Services for people living with HIV and those who support them
Today is National Exploitation Awareness Day.
Exploitation can happen to any child, anywhere. It can be tricky for parents, carers and frontline professionals to differentiate between ordinary teenage behaviour and the risk of/abuse by exploitation. Here are some of the signs that may alert you that children or young people are being groomed for exploitation or being exploited ⬇️
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. If you see something, say something.
Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, and visit for further guidance #StopCE
Happy St Patrick’s Day! ☘️
Do you know how you can look after your sexual health, without leaving it to luck? Take a peek at our page for some top tips 👀